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Digital Social Media Marketing


The growing development and diffusion of social media has opened up previously unimaginable opportunities for companies and professionals.

Most social networks have set up paid tools (for example, Facebook Ads), which allow companies, professionals and commercial activities to interact directly with customers, using convenient, intuitive and direct channels.

Digital Marketing: differences from traditional marketing 

The main difference between digital and traditional marketing basically consists of the channels: Digital Marketing develops online, therefore it also has more programmable starting costs compared to traditional marketing, which must immediately incur significant expenses: advertising spaces on traditional media (such as radio and television), advertising systems, paper publishing (posters, flyers, banners, company material), ambient marketing initiatives and other procedures.
Thanks to the possibility of interacting and speaking with people, Digital Marketing can allow you to provide value to target people, creating content by disseminating it on your channel spaces: the blog in the case of articles and graphic content or videos on social media.

Thanks to the possibility of interacting and talking with people, Digital Marketing can allow you to provide value to target people, creating content by disseminating it on your own channel spaces: the blog in the case of articles and graphic content or videos on social media.

- Digital Social Media Marketing: gives the possibility of managing the company's online presence through the various online channels, i.e. websites, mobile apps and social media, and using online communication techniques such as positioning on search engines (SEO marketing and CRO marketing) social media marketing, digital advertising (or online advertising, Internet advertising), e-mail marketing. The objective is to acquire new customers, provide better services to current ones, expand and strengthen relationships, improve the experience (Customer Experience).

Creation of Instagram advertising videos for your company

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Creazione Sito Web su misura

Non useremo un template già pronto, ma svilupperemo il tuo sito in base al tuo Business.



Grafica responsive

Grafica responsiveIl tuo sito web sarà perfettamente visualizzabile su qualsiasi Pc desktop, tablet e smartphone, Web TV.



Navigazione intuitiva

Navigazione intuitivaIl tuo sito web sarà semplice da navigare per favorire le richieste di contatto degli utenti.



Pannello di controllo

Pannello di controlloUn comodo pannello ti permetterà di gestire in piena autonomia i tuoi contenuti, le immagini e gli utenti..


Caricamento rapido

Caricamento rapidoNon ci saranno problemi di caricamento, il tuo sito si visualizzerà in pochissimi istanti.


Ottimizzazione SEO

Ottimizzazione SEO

Il tuo sito web sarà indicizzato e ottimizzato per i motori di ricerca per farti trovare più facilmente.


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